Attended the last part of PR ceramah last night at Taman U. Due to the police blockade, I had to limped about 150 meters. Caught only the portion by YB Lim Kit Siang. He as usual got the crowd growing. Other than that, it was your usual PR ceramah
But I was very dissapointed with the attendance. Excluding parties workers, it was at most 400 people. The 50 or so police personnel were just lazily wandering around and spatting mosquitoes throughout the ceramah.
You might say it is JB mah, what do you expect. The only reason to think that it was a OK turnout is because BN is still colonizing the minds of JB people.
The question is not whether to align ourselves to Pakatan. Its about rakyat showing unity in numbers. The least we can do is to show BN,PDRM,MACC etc that we mean business and keep them on their toes.
Do we honestly think that our angry kopitiam talk will actually put pressure on BN to the right thing? That things will eventually work out. That the opposition will do the dirty job for us.
Think again. If Pakatan Ralyat alone can force BN to reform then Beng Hock will be still alive and well. Like it or not PDRM, MACC and all civil servants work for UMNO and not the rakyat. So UMNO can bulldozed over anyone they wish and now they are out of control. Including you JB people who willingly voted for BN.
Fellow JB residents, even the mighty Sing Dollar you earned every month cannot saved this country. No matter how many Sing Dollars you earned, UMNO machineries and crony corporations will suck every cents of it.
So stop hibernating. Learn from your friends and families in Penang,Ipoh,KL,Kelantan and Selangor. Unite in numbers and fight.
For a start, you can sign "Memorandum Rakyat Negeri Johor Menuntut Keadilan untuk TEOH BENG HOCK" address to PM Najib. This memorandum was initiated by Suaram,PKR Johor and a few concerned citizens. And was later endorsed by other parties and NGOs in Johor. The target is 10,000 signature.
I will post the link to the memorandum asap.
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