Sunday, November 1, 2009

Justice For Beng Hock Memorandum : Thanks Johor For Your 6109 signatures.

Thank you Johor for your support in supporting Memorandum Rakyat Negeri Johor - Menuntut Keadilan untuk TEOH BENG HOCK. We have managed to collect 6109 signatures in supporting our Memorandum. Suaram has compiled and passed the memorandum YB Er Teck Hwa who will eventually handover it to Prime Minister Najib.
Excerpt of Malaysiakini report on this Memorandum:
NONE 柔佛州子民为赵明福追讨公道行动委员会成功收集6109名该州子民和25个党团组织的签名,联署上书首相纳吉,要求公正彻查赵明福的离奇坠楼案。 该委员会代表方佩芳今午是在行动党峇吉里国会议员余德华的陪同下,到国会走廊提呈备忘录和签名给首相署副部长刘伟强。 国大党士姑来支部也联署 也是人民之声新山支部执行秘书的方佩芳披露,柔佛州子民为赵明福追讨公道行动委员会是在7月末开始收集签名,并成功在一个月收集6109名该州子民和25个党团组织的签名。 25个联署党团组织包括人民之声新山支部、柔佛人民力量、柔佛宗教司协会、人民公正党埔莱、新山等支部、回教党州联委会、行动党居銮支部等等。 其中,国大党士姑来支部也出现在名单More at Malaysiakini
I apologized for not being able to find a Malay or English version. However it is our spirits that counts. To achive this level of support in Johor(BN stronghold) is no mean feat. IMHO, I believe Johor has made a significant breakthrough.
Although things has gone down quite a bit, please don't be discourage. We are heading in the direction. Please keep the fire burning.
Kaki Tambak

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