'To use or not to use?'
For the many kaki tambak on motorcycles, they are faced with this perpetual dilemma of whether they should use travel daily by
Tuas 2nd Link or not.
Even non 2nd Link users will probably know that the reception of 2nd Link has been quite poor ever since it began operations. The horrendously long journey coupled with over the top toll rate has been met with disdained reception.
However for this post, I want to focus on one issue Tuas Checkpoint that is not particular known by the general public. You see, during peak hours, the Tuas Checkpoint motorcycle section rarely operates at full capacity. Its an absolutely frustrating predicament that entraps fellow kaki tambak, everytime they are stuck at Tuas motorbike jam.
Unlike its Woodlands Checkpoint, who does the commendable job of operating at its full capacity daily, during peak hours(5.30am-10am and 6pm-11pm). At Woodlands they also mix and match the differrent sections of the checkpoint according to the vehicles traffic at different time.
To have a better understanding, we shall look at the basic structure availible at Tuas.
Vehicles going into Singapore there 3 block:
Block A1(16 counters) - Used for Cars Only.
Block A2(16 counters) - Used for Cars when A1 is not in operation or sometimes partially opened for motorbikes.
Block A3(32 Counters) - Specifically used for motorbikes only.
Vehicles leaving Singapore there 3 block:
Block D1(16 counters) - Used for Cars Only.
Block D2(16 counters) - Used for Cars when D1 is not in operation or sometimes partially opened for motorbikes.
Block D3(32 Counters) - Specifically used for motorbikes only.
For a clearer illustration,last Thursday was a typical daily picture on the ground:
On 21 May 2009 5.50pm, I arrived at Tuas Checkpoint. Block D1 - Opened for cars only Block D2 - Not in operation Block D3 - 7 out of the 24 manned counters were in operation(Counters43,48,52,53,54,55,56)
Block D3 - 3 out of the 6 automated counters were in operation(Counters 36,38,40) Or a total of 10 counters were in operation
I was stuck in this particular motorbike jam for 35 mins.
Those behind me, would probably be stuck there for more than an hour.
Even if you ignore Block D2, there is still a very gross under utilization of the motorbikes section. So on that particular day(and most other days too), Tuas checkpoint only operated
31.25% of its motorbikes capacity. Its frustrating for motorcyclist to see such utter under utilization. We could only imagine if 10 more counters were in operation, we could have clear the checkpoint in half the time.
Many kaki tambak are angry of Singapore Home Ministry for adequately addressing this issue.
Adding to the frustration, motorcyclist pays a toll of SGD0.70 per direction at Tuas.
Whereas it is free at Woddlands.
SG Home Affairs Minister
Wong Kan Seng made a statement on the checkpoints traffic last year. Basically he points to the lack of manpower as a main source of the problem. He cites that ICA staff are overworked(too many OT),high number of resignation,too many untaken leave and etc etc.
Well Mr Wong Kan Seng statement is too general and not clear on what is really wrong at Tuas Chechkpoint for motorcylist. It fails to answer:
Why is it possible that Woodlands Checkpoint have enough manpower to operate at full capacity?Why couldn't Tuas be the same?Is traffic volume insufficient for deployment of more staff?Is being stuck in a motorcycle jam for more than an hour not justifiable for more resources?Does system equipment and hardware pose a problem to ICA?Could there be improvement to Tuas manpower and work recheduling, to cater for peak hours traffic?
From chats during motorcycle jam, fellow kaki tambaks would hurl harsh(sometimes abusive) words against Tuas Checkpoint management. Many cursed the ICA for their hypocritical double standards. Some says the Officers in charge at Tuas, hates and discriminate Malaysian. Some labels the ICA officers as lazy bums.
I don't agree with the extremism of their views. But I know where their frustration is coming from.
This post is not intended to start a blaming session or something. It is just my hope that the grievances of motorcyclist at Tuas checkpoint could be highlighted to the general public.
WOW.. i didn't know it looks so bad on Singapore Side at Tuas during peak hours (5.50pm). i thought it was always slightly better.
Actually, we are not sure if Woodlands checkpoint is at full capacity or even over capacity. It could be the latter, as in the early morning ICA always use a second exit along the Marsiling coast road for motorbikes. I mean, the "official" exit point is straight to the BKE or Woodlands Road. So when they need to activate the "contingency" exit along the coast, it indicates something.
Therefore more reason for them to beef up Tuas checkpoint. The over-capacity scenario in Woodlands is a cause for concern.
I suspect the attrition rate for officers posted to Tuas is way higher than those among Woodlands, because Tuas is effectively out of Singapore, as what they like to say. :)
I agree that Singaporeans do shy away from jobs in Tuas.
But we are just talking about a few more counters during peak hours.
It takes only slight more effort in scheduling and transport planningfor Home Ministry personnel, to greatly improve the situation in Tuas.
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