Thousands of Malaysian throng the causeways(Tambak Johor) everyday to work in Singapore. Very little are reported of their bitter sweet struggle to earn the Sing Dollar. This blog hopes to share my encounters with many fellow kaki tambak. Hopefully there will be more social recognition for these unsung heroes who breathes life to both cities on either side of the causeway.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Kaki tambak issues to be temporary on hold.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Memorandum Rakyat Negeri Johor - Menuntut Keadilan untuk TEOH BENG HOCK.
Pakatan Rakyat Ceramah at Taman Universiti, Skuadai
Friday, July 24, 2009
Motorbike Skided on Expressway
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Pakatan Rakyat Ceramah/Dialogue Session at PAS Parkaz, Taman Universiti
So if have any Malay,Indian friends nearby, please encourage them to attend. Although the focus is on Malay/Indian community, it will also be good for others JB resident to have a look of how PAS is.
As it is held in a PAS venue and all the big guns are coming, there is no need to worry on the security issues of be fearful of PDRM/Rela intimidation.
Ceramah Address: Markaz PAS, Jalan Kebudayaan 12, Taman Universiti.
PS: I am non-partisan. I support this ceramah only with hope that it can help to counter UMNO racially divisive tactics.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Weeping Journalist at Beng Hock's Funeral

Saturday, July 18, 2009
Just when I think today will get worse? Then...